Monday, April 20, 2009

Last Blog

This is my final blog for this english class. Looking back on my freshmen year here, I really had a great time. Yeah, I had quite a bit of homework to do everyday, but I managed to do alot of things that I wanted to do. Pretty much everyday, Monday through Friday, I go to the rec center and play basketball. On the weekends, I go partying. I have gone to St. Louis and other nearby towns. I didn't decide to come to SIU until about March of last year, but I sure am glad I did. I am about five hours from home, but it didn't really phase me at all. My first year in Carbondale has been a great experience for me and I am looking forward to my future years here.


I am not the only one who enjoys to do a sudoku every now and then. The game where you got to put a number, 1-9, in each row and column. Everyday, I go to class and see students with the Daily Egytian. Do they really get the paper to actually read it though? I know I don't. I grab a paper, look it over for a couple minutes to see if there is anything interesting to read, but then i just turn to the back and work on the sudoku throughout the class. Honestly, some classes are so boring. The only reason people go is because of the attendance factor. The notes are all online, what else could you need. So, I spend half of my class each day just doing a sudoku. It really is a great time, well, compared to actually paying attention in some of my classes.

Da Bulls

Over the weekend I watched game one of the NBA playoffs between the Chicago Bulls and the Boston Celtics. To my surprise, the Bulls actually won. It was a great game. Derrick Rose, a rookie, made his NBA playoff debut and finished with 36 points for the game. His performance is one of the top five performances of all time for a playoff game debut. He couldn't be stopped! He was scoring at will! The Bulls and the Celtics play game 2 tonight in Boston.

Giant City

The other day I went to Giant City Park with some friends for the first time since I have been down here. We walked down some trails and went off some trails too. We climbed rocks and eventually made it to the top where we were several hundred feet off the ground. It was actually really cool. I had never really done that kind of stuff, to that extent anyways. It took us forever to find a way down though. We did not want to have to turn back to get down because we would be walking for a long time. We finally found some huge boulders that we were able to work our way down. Giant City is a great place to hang out and do whatever though.

Ready for summer!

I can tell it is the time of the semester for finals. Not only do I have those to study for, but I have several papers and group projects due before the year is up. I always get stressed at this time of the year. I cannot wait for finals to be over and to go home for the summer. Bad news about home though is that I am not going to be able to have the same job I had over the previous summer. So, I am going to have to go out and look for a job the first week I am back. All this work I have to do within the last three weeks is really starting to stress me out though. I am trying to get as much done as I can so I can enjoy my last week of freshmen year here at SIU.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Are students really ready for college?

Completing high school with good grades and getting a good score on the ACT is a good start to getting into college. But, shouldn't students be prepared mentally and socially? Some are just not mature enough yet for college. They treat everything like it's high school and mommy can make everything better. Well, students need to realize that they are on their own now. They are living with another student and need to act appropriate. We are in college now, students need to grow up. As for admittance into college, I think students should have to pass some sort of test that grades their maturity. For the ones that act the way they should, this would help eliminate immaturity and frustration.

Meals at SIU

When I first came to SIU, I expected the food to be terrible. Everyone that I talked to told me that all college food was bad. For the first couple months, I really enjoyed the food here at SIU. It could be because I expected it to be terrible, but I really do not find the food here terrible. I actually like it. The only problem is that the food here gets very repetitive. The menus are similar from week to week. I just get tired of eating the same things every week or every other week. I think that is why students spend so much extra money on fast food. They get tired of eating the same things every week.